Cordoba Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


Cordoba railway station is a bustling transportation hub in southern Spain. With its modern facilities and convenient location, it offers easy access to the city's historical landmarks, including the mesmerizing Mosque-Cathedral. The station serves as a gateway to Cordoba's rich cultural heritage and architectural wonders.

Cordoba airport is a small yet functional air travel hub located near the city center in southern Spain. With its efficient services and connections, the airport provides convenient access to Cordoba's railway station and for travellers exploring the region's cultural and historical attractions.

Stations in Cordoba

Cordoba 0.9 km
Campus Universitario Rabanales / Córdoba 5.8 km
El Rosal 7.9 km

Spain rail map showing Cordoba

Spain rail map with Cordoba
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Cordoba