Cuxhaven Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


Located on the north western, North Sea coast of Germany, Cuxhaven is a pretty tourist town which has a population of just over 50,000. Lying to far on the fringes of the country, the transport links aren't as efficient as they could be; despite it being 100km further, the route via Bremen from Hamburg tends to be the quickest for example at around 2 hours. The train journey from Hamburg also takes approximately 2 hours. On the positive side, Bremen airport is only about 1 hour away.

Stations in Cuxhaven

Cuxhaven 0.6 km
Cuxhaven (Alte Liebe) 1.5 km
Cuxhaven (Fährhafen) 1.7 km

Germany rail map showing Cuxhaven

Germany rail map showing Cuxhaven
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Cuxhaven