Kiruna Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


There are night trains to Kiruna from Gothenburg and Stockholm (about 17 hours away) and other services to Uppsala, Gävle, Sundsvall, Umeå and Boden. During summer, there are train services from Göteborg and Malmö to KirunaNarvik.

The train station in Kiruna is located within 0.5 km i.e. a short walk of the city centre.

Kiruna Airport is about 10 kilometres away from the town centre. There are 2-3 flights per day from Stockholm/Arlanda to Kiruna, each taking around 90 minutes to get to Kiruna. There also are flights from Luleå. There is an airport bus but only on weekdays is it regular, so in the evening or on weekends it’s usually best to take a taxi or a pre-ordered coach.

Stations in Kiruna

Sweden rail map showing Kiruna

Sweden rail map showing Kiruna
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Kiruna