Neumünster Train Stations and Maps

Main train stations and a country view rail map


Neumünster lies 60km directly north of Hamburg, in the northern Germany. It lies on the A7 motorway approximately 45 minutes from Hamburg, and 1 hour from Flensburg on the Danish border. The train connections to Neumünster are also excellent being on the ICE train line to Kiel, Stuttgart, Leipzig and Zürich as well as on many local train routes. In summary, it's easy to get to and certainly worth a visit!

Stations in Neumünster

Neumünster 0.8 km
Neumünster Süd AKN 1.4 km
Neumünster Stadtwald 2.2 km

Germany rail map showing Neumünster

Germany rail map showing Neumünster
Line Key
high speed and fast intercity trains available
normal train services available

Map and hotels near Neumünster