Roma Ostiense

Transport options: Trains

Location map

Map showing the location of Roma Ostiense

Things to do nearby

Visitor Attraction
Mercato Di Testaccio
Via Marmorata
This market is great for buying cheeses and fresh seafood cheaply, as well as shoes and other items.
1.0 km
Visitor Attraction
Piazza del Colosseo
The original site of the death of many a gladiator, the Colosseum remains a spectacular structure.
2.0 km
Visitor Attraction
Le Gallinelle
Via del Boschetto 76
There are designer shops aplenty in Rome, but for something different head to Le Gallinelle, where they stock trendy vintage and ethnic clothing.
2.7 km

Operators at this station


Trenitalia is the primary train operator in Italy.