Roma San Pietro

Transport options: Trains

Location map

Map showing the location of Roma San Pietro

Things to do nearby

Visitor Attraction
St. Peter's Basilica
Piazza San Pietro
The ornate interior of this church never ceases to amaze visitors.
0.7 km
Visitor Attraction
Museu di Roma
Piazza di San Pantaleo
This museum charts the history of Roma from Middle Ages till the mid-20th century.
1.5 km
Visitor Attraction
Confetteria Moriondo & Gariglio
Via del Piè di Marmo 21-22
Stunning sweet shop with rows and rows of handmade chocolates in glass cabinets.
2.1 km
The Birth of Rome
The annual celebration of the birth of Rome.
2.3 km
Rome Jazz Festival
Various venues around Rome
There are several jazz festivals in Rome, but this is one of the biggest.
2.3 km
Visitor Attraction
Trevi Fountain
Piazza di Trevi
Famous for appearing in Fellini's 'La Dolce Vita', this fountain was actually constructed in 1762.
2.4 km

Operators at this station


Trenitalia is the primary train operator in Italy.